Learning for life, striving for excellence!
Resourcefulness - The children make use of a wide variety of media, tools and equipment. We encourage them to think about which tools they will need to create the effect they desire.
Reflectiveness - The children are encouraged to reflect on the work of artists, their own work and that of their peers. The reflect on their strengths and areas for further development.
Research - Throughout the art curriculum the children have the opportunity to find out about a wide range of artists.
Meridian Primary School Art, Craft and Design
At Meridian Primary School we believe all children deserve the opportunity to develop their skills through an inclusive, rich and open-ended creative journey. Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of creativity and promotes both independence and team work. We aim to inspire, challenge and equip pupils with the knowledge and skills with which they can experiment, invent and create their own expressive works of art. We believe inspiring children to use their imagination and develop a love for art gives them a lifelong gift of creativity at the same time as developing key practical skills, such as dexterity, fine motor control and co-ordination. It allows them a channel to express themselves without having to find the right words. The great thing about art is that there is no right and wrong, giving children a sense of freedom other subject areas are unable to provide.
As our pupils progress through KS1 and into KS2 we facilitate their ability to critically analyse their work and support them in gaining a more rigorous understanding of art and design. We also develop their understanding of how art and design reflect and shape our history and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.
The national curriculum for art aims to ensure that all pupils:
Art in our EYFS
In our EYFS children are able to access a wide variety of materials provided through quality continuous provision. They are able to explore through a combination of child initiated and adult directed activities. They are taught how to use tools and equipment safely and given the opportunity to improve these skills in order to develop a better understanding of how to manipulate materials and create different effects. The children are encouraged to use all of their senses to explore different media and use them freely to express their own ideas. The children are given the opportunity to express how they feel about different works of art and record their observations and thoughts in a class journal.
Art in Key Stage One
At Key Stage One children are given the opportunity to work with a range of materials creatively to design and make products. They develop skills in drawing, painting and sculpture to share their ideas, experiences and imagination using a cross curricular approach. Through guided work they develop a range of art and design techniques following the school’s progression document. They are taught about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers and are encouraged to respond to these and make links to their own work. Sketchbooks are continued to be used to explore a range of media and to hold ideas and plans for work completed over a time frame.
Art in Key Stage 2
At Key Stage Two sketchbooks are used to explore, review and revisit ideas and the children are beginning to use them independently. They are part of the art process in experimenting, developing and mastering art and design techniques. The children are taught to improve their technique through guided support and through appraising a range of great artists from history.
Summative assessments take place throughout the year and teachers record the progress and attainment against the National Curriculum expectations of attainment. Teachers use this information to inform future lessons; ensuring children are supported and challenged appropriately. Final end of year assessments are made using assessment criteria that has been developed in line with the national curriculum and Target Tracker. Thus identifying the level in which the child is working. Children in Foundation Stage are assessed within Expressive Arts and Design. Age related expectation levels are reported to parents at the end of the reception year.