Learning for life, striving for excellence!
Science Overview
In Science we aim to give all children a strong understanding of the world around them. They are able to discover how the world works and our place, impact, roles and responsibilities within our environment. It will develop the natural curiosity of the child and encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment. We believe science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes.
Our children are encouraged to ask questions and apply their growing scientific knowledge to investigate and learn more. The children are able to develop a systematic way of working and are able to reflect on investigations and apply their growing knowledge. Science allows children to be inquisitive in a safe environment. It will help develop knowledge rich, confident, articulate and investigative learners.
Our curriculum is designed around the National Curriculum statements for Knowledge, Working Scientifically and Scientific Enquiry. We learn through half termly topics.
Lessons are planned and delivered with our curriculum drivers in mind
Resourcefulness – Children are taught to be resourceful and given opportunities to put this into practice through research and science investigational work.
Reflectiveness – Children are encouraged to reflect on their learning: what went well and how it could be improved next time. They reflect on results when drawing conclusions and on what they have learnt at the end of units of work.
Research – Children have opportunities to carry out their own research through practical investigations. They use secondary resources to answer questions which arise in work being studied and to research scientists of the past and present day.
We hold an annual Science week, go on school trips and invite visitors into school to enrich our curriculum. Parents and members of our community contribute to our scientific learning by bringing things in for us to see and investigate and by inspiring us through their work.
At Meridian children in EYFS will be introduced to science through the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum Guidance. The Early Learning Goals (ELGs) for ‘Understanding of the World’ forms the foundation for later work in science, design and technology, history, geography and ICT.
At Meridian children are provided with a broad range of opportunities and experiences in science, enabling them to work towards their Early Learning Goals. Children develop their understanding of the world around them, using their senses to explore and learn about objects, materials, environments and much more.
Wherever possible the children are provided with activities based on first-hand experience that encourage exploration, observation, problem solving, prediction, critical thinking, decision making and discussion. We provide an environment with a wide range of indoor and outdoor experiences that stimulate their interest and curiosity, including an allotment area. Stories are used to enhance understanding of scientific principles and concepts as well as support the learning and understanding of new vocabulary.
In KS1 children further develop their understanding of the world around them which they have gained in the Foundation Stage. Children are able to observe, explore and ask questions about living things, materials and physical phenomena.
Children begin to work collaboratively with others, enabling them to develop their scientific knowledge and understanding and to link scientific concepts. Children communicate ideas orally using taught scientific language and begin to develop written methods for communicating their ideas.
In KS2 children learn, explore and ask questions about a wider range of living things, materials and physical phenomena. They make links between ideas and explain things using simple models and theories. They apply their knowledge and understanding of scientific ideas to familiar phenomena, everyday things and their personal health.
They carry out more systematic investigations, working on their own and with others. They use a range of reference sources in their work. They talk about their work and its significances, using a wider range of scientific language, conventional diagrams, charts and graphs to communicate their ideas.
We follow the Plymouth Science Scheme of work
Scientific Progression of Skills (Foundation to Year 6)