Welcome to Acorn Class!
A bit about us...
Welcome to Acorn Class. We can be found near the main entrance to the school busily learning both indoors and outdoors. Our class teacher Monday to Friday is Mrs Özcan with the exception of a Wednesday where it is Mrs Aslam. Miss Smith, Mrs Bechnnati and Ms Lewis support our learning throughout the week.
We deliver a curriculum based on the framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
We cover seven areas of learning and development which are implemented through planned, purposeful play, both outdoors and in. This learning is developed through rich, challenging learning experiences, which offer opportunities for the children to to explore and take risks, learn through first-hand experience and gain greater independence, supporting their natural curiosity, and motivation to learn. As the children cover the areas of learning, we respond to their individual emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive, skillful interactions, which we develop daily.
Each day we all embark on an exciting learning journey in Acorn Class, which stimulates and grows our love of learning. We enjoy sharing this journey with our friends and teachers alike and new experiences both from school and home are celebrated and discussed with great enthusiasm.
Please bring in your book bag and water bottle everyday.
A change of clothes and a pair of wellies should be brought in and remain at school.
Our P.E. day is Tuesday. P.E. kits usually stay at school and are sent home for a wash each half term. P.E. shoes are not needed until later in the year as we will work in the school hall.
Internet Safety for EYFS
Advice for parents on how to help your children to stay safe online.