There are 31 children in Oak Class. Ms Chamberlain teaches us Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday mornings and Mrs Weston teaches us on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Mrs Spight and Mrs Moore (Teaching Assistants) support some of us with our learning and Roger kindly volunteers to help us each week too.
Life in Oak Class
In Oak Class, we are keen to learn and make progress. We work hard but also know how to have fun! We enjoy all the curriculum subjects and are a very creative bunch! We love to read and be read to. We can work independently but there are many opportunities for us to work collaboratively too. We support each other and the children and staff in our classroom make a great team!
Spellings are sent home on a Thursday and we will be tested on the words the following week. It will really help us if we practise our spellings every week!
We are expected to practise our reading everyday by aiming to read at least 10 pages. It helps us if parents talk to us about what we are reading. For fiction texts, we could discuss the genre, plot, characters, endings, language used etc. For non-fiction texts, examples of things we could talk about include the type of text, its purpose, audience and structure.
We do PE on Mondays and Fridays. On Mondays we do outdoor PE so during the colder months we will need jogging bottoms and trainers with good grip especially when it is slippy. On Fridays we do indoor PE.
Useful links