  • Meridian
  • Primary School
  • Comberton, Cambridge
  • Learning for life, striving for excellence

Curriculum Overview

Please scroll to the bottom of this page for our Curriculum Map for Y1-Y6. These give an outline of what the children will be learning in each subject and for each year group during this academic year. You can find the class half termly topic overviews on the class pages. These provide greater detail about what is being taught and national curriculum links.

Also below is our Remote Learning offer.

Our Meridian Primary Curriculum


Our school stands by our strap headline ‘Learning for Life’.  We are a learning community and striving for excellence in all that we do.


In the seven years children spend with us, we are there to inspire; impart knowledge; facilitate and value learning; encourage good relationships and compassion for others; and build confident children who grow and embrace challenges.


Our curriculum is broad and balanced to allow children the opportunity to access knowledge while learning skills. Leaders and teachers work together to agree our intent for the overall curriculum and individual subject areas. We use the national curriculum and our expertise to map out the key skills and areas to be covered in each subject. These maps ensure coverage and progression throughout the school.

This is then implemented through quality learning activities. Leaders and teachers monitor the impact of these learning opportunities and continually strive to improve the quality of education we are providing.

We plan engaging and thought provoking topics, enriched with our drivers below.

Maths and English are taught daily.


What makes our curriculum different?

We place high value on the following key ‘R’ words to help us plan, deliver and explore depths of topics and excite our learning as individuals and learning as a community.


Research: We encourage independence, curiosity and a sense of adventure through study. We encourage depth of learning, thinking skills, enquiry both within and beyond classroom learning. Children are given opportunities to follow interests, make links, summarise learning and explore technology.


Reflection: We encourage the children to be confident and responsible in evaluating their experiences, work and learning by offering reasoned viewpoints and appreciating viewpoints of others. We promote the use of imagination and creativity.


Resourcefulness: We encourage the children to be confident and responsible to draw on what they know. They are taught to use resources, methods and practices and make use of the classroom, school environment and wider locality. We also encourage them to be able to share knowledge and creativity with others. We value the outdoors and recycling and all children will be engaged in outdoor activities to enhance learning in a range of curriculum areas.


Our topics incorporate these ‘R’s as part of the children’s learning journey. You will find evidence of the ‘R’s as you walk around the school, in books and through talking to the children.

We are continuing to develop our curriculum to ensure it captivates children’s imaginations and stimulates their intellects. Above all, we aim to ensure we are continuing to raise standards in all areas, academically and socially for all our children, building lifelong learners.

Welcome to the Meridian Primary School website. We welcome all communities at Meridian. We hope that our site will give you a flavour of the ethos and expectations of our school and highlight many of the amazing opportunities that the pupils at Meridian will be offered in their seven years with us.

MeridianPrimary School

  • Harbour Avenue
  • Comberton
  • Cambridge
  • CB23 7DD