Welcome to our Birch Class page. We are a friendly and hardworking class who enjoy learning. You can find us across the courtyard area from Reception, next to Sycamore Class. Miss Ramsay is our teacher on Monday to Thursday and Mrs Aslam is our teacher on Fridays. Ms Rowe and Mr Mckenna support us with our learning everyday and on a Tuesday afternoon Mrs Sofflet teaches us Spanish and indoor P.E.
The Birch Class email address is birch@meridian.cambs.sch.uk
Year 3 children are expected to continue to develop their independent working behaviours and become more responsible for their own learning. We learn in a variety of different ways, taking our direction from the National Curriculum. We enjoy asking questions, having interesting discussions and learning through doing.
Our topic for the Spring Term 1 is Ancient Egypt. You can find out more about what Birch Class will be learning on our Topic Web, ready to download below.
Homework will be sent home on a Thursday and returned on a Monday. Homework will consist of a weekly Maths task that consolidates what has been taught in school, weekly spellings and a half-termly project homework linked to our Topic. Choose one of the project activities from the Spring Term 1 homework menu. Please see the bottom of the page, where you will be able to download a copy of the homework menu for Spring Term 1. Hand it in once you have completed it. Remember to take pride in your learning and the work you produce. Don’t forget to also practise your reading, times tables and number facts weekly.
Spellings are sent home on a Thursday and we will be tested on the words the following Wednesday. It will really help us if we practise our spellings every week!
PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We need to bring a PE kit to school to change into. We could wear a school jumper or plain fleece and leggings or tracksuit trousers to keep us warm on cooler days. Long hair needs to be tied back and no jewellery should be worn.
Supporting your child
Regular reading with your child is so important as it supports learning across every single area of the curriculum. Please spend some time discussing the text with your children. For fiction texts, discuss the genre, plot, characters, endings, language used etc. For non-fiction texts, discuss the type of text, its purpose, audience and structure.
In Maths we will focus on the instant recall of times tables and number bonds. Children are expected to have a quick recall of all times tables from 1x - 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.
Year 3 will have an Outdoor Adventurous Activity Morning on Wednesday 18th September.
Year 3 will be visiting the Fitzwilliam Museum on Friday 20th December.
Useful Resources
https://www.topmarks.co.uk/english-games/7-11-years/spelling and grammar