Welcome to Year 5
Willow is the year 5 class, with 33 pupils.
Their teachers are callled Mrs Halford (Mon-Tues) and Ms Skinnner (Weds-Frid).
Other staff which support their learning are Mrs Taneja.
Life in Willow Class
Year 5 is a very important year and we are keen to make progress. For some of us, this involves learning to make good choices and managing our behaviour and emotions better. We are a talented bunch who enjoy all the curriculum subjects! This year we'll have many opportunities to work independently, in pairs and in groups, building our team-skills.
As well as practising reading, spelling and number facts regularly, we are given a menu of activities to choose from each half term. We are expected to complete at least 3 of these activities over the half term and should hand in each one as it is completed.
Spellings are sent home on a Monday and we will be tested on the words the following Monday. It will really help us if we practise our spellings every week!
We are expected to practise our reading everyday by aiming to read at least 10 pages. It helps us if parents talk to us about what we are reading. For fiction texts, we could discuss the genre, plot, characters, endings, language used etc. For non-fiction texts, examples of things we could talk about include the type of text, its purpose, audience and structure.
PE will be on Mondays and Fridays and we need to bring a PE kit to school to change into. This can include a school jumper or plain fleece and leggings or tracksuit trousers to keep us warm on cooler days. Long hair needs to be tied back and no jewellery should be worn. Friday is outdoor PE, so children should bring appropriate shoes.