Pupil Premium & Free School Meals (FSM)
The Pupil Premium was introduced by the Government in April 2011. It was designed to give additional money to support schools in 'closing the gap' in attainment and progress of students:
Schools can choose to spend the money in various ways in order to support those children who are in receipt of the grant to achieve in school. Schools do not receive this grant for those children receiving Universal Free School Meals in KS1 unless an application has been made by their parents.
Pupil Premium Funding - What is it?
Pupil Premium funding is available for schools to be used to support our children’s development, learning and care. For each eligible child, the school received £1,385 in the financial year 1st April to 31st March – this is a substantial amount that can make a significant difference to our children.
Who is eligible?
Any child who is or has received free school meals in the last 6 years (for any period of time even for one day) is eligible to receive pupil premium funding. Please note that all infant children are provided with free school meals, so you may not be aware if your child is eligible if you have not applied.
If you qualify for the appropriate benefits but have chosen not to apply for free school meals, please consider applying. You do not have to take up the free school meal to attract the funding for the school but your child and other children benefit hugely from the extra funds.
As a school, we can use the extra funding in any way we choose to improve the quality of the education that we provide for your child and others. This could include, for example, learning interventions, additional adult support and contributions towards new experiences and learning activities. How Pupil Premium funding has been used is available on the Pupil Premium Website.
What Do You Need to Do?
Therefore we ask that parents / guardians do consider making an application if you think you might be eligible or are not sure. All details are treated in strictest confidence.
Please apply through Pupil Premium Website.
If you have any queries regarding this information, please call the Education Welfare Benefits team on 01223 703200 or email ewb.fsm@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Our Pupil Premium lead and LAC lead is Mr George Clarke. For any enquires, please contact via the school office at: office@meridian.cambs.sch.uk