  • Meridian
  • Primary School
  • Comberton, Cambridge
  • Learning for life, striving for excellence

Year 6 PA Jobs

Pupil Assistant


Every year, the Year 6 pupils are entrusted with significant responsibilities, collectively known as PA jobs, which stands for 'Pupil Assistant' roles. These roles encompass a range of tasks such as litter picking, managing recycling bins, assisting on the KS1 playground, taking charge of the registers, organising chairs for assemblies, tallying raffle tickets for each house team, overseeing computer and library facilities.


Year 6 children perform their PA duties during certain playtimes and lunch breaks, enabling them to maintain punctuality for lessons while contributing to the school's daily operations. These PA jobs are both enjoyable and come with great responsibility.


This year, the following students have been selected as Pupil Assistants:

  • Raffle Tickets: George, Josh
  • Computer Room: Annabelle, Jack, Sam, Kayla
  • Dining Room: Mattie, Charlotte, Annabelle, Sidney
  • Library: Sophie, Chloe, Isabella, Corin
  • Hall Benches and Chairs: Ivy, Emily, Miles, Sidney
  • Collecting Equipment from Field and Playground: Emmanuel, Joe, Rayan, Winter, Erica, Dominic
  • Mobile Monitor: Annabelle, Sidney


Their dedication and support greatly contribute to the smooth functioning of our school community.

Welcome to the Meridian Primary School website. We welcome all communities at Meridian. We hope that our site will give you a flavour of the ethos and expectations of our school and highlight many of the amazing opportunities that the pupils at Meridian will be offered in their seven years with us.

MeridianPrimary School

  • Harbour Avenue
  • Comberton
  • Cambridge
  • CB23 7DD