Religious Education (R.E.) at Meridian
Learning for life, striving for excellence!
Religions and religious themes taught:
EYFS/KS1 - Christianity; Sikhism; Celebration of festivals and traditions, both religious and cultural (multi-faith)
KS2 – Years 3/4 - Christianity; Judaism; Islam; People of faith (e.g. Saint Teresa; the Salvation Army) KS2 – Years 5/6 - Christianity; Hinduism; Buddhism; People of faith (e.g. Mahatma Gandhi; Reverend Martin Luther King)
Overview of R.E.
We have an enquiry-based R.E. curriculum promoting independent thinking, curiosity, respect of others and respect for themselves. Our R.E. curriculum closely supports our own school value system (Confidence, Courtesy, Responsibility and Adventure) as well as covering the British Values (democracy, respect, religious [or non-religious] tolerance). We follow the guidelines set out in the Cambridge R.E. syllabus.
In multi-cultural Britain today, our children will meet people from many different backgrounds, cultures and religions. Our aim is for the children to be enriched by diversity – having a good understanding of the different cultures, traditions, faiths and worldviews.
During RE sessions, the children are taught about particular faiths, and what they can learn from them. Children who follow a faith that is different from what is covered above, are encouraged to share this in class also.
During lessons, children are encouraged to ask questions or offer opinions. In upper Key Stage 2, the children are introduced to healthy and respectful debates. Over the years, we have formed many strong relationships with leaders of different faiths (including parents). These are a welcome addition to our lessons and enables children to interact positively about beliefs and customs.
Children are assessed on each unit of work on a termly basis.