  • Meridian
  • Primary School
  • Comberton, Cambridge
  • Learning for life, striving for excellence


Collective Worship/ Assemblies


Collective worship / assemblies are held each day. This is important for children and staff to come together as a community to reinforce the school’s shared values.


We aim for all children to join us for assembly but respect the right that parents have to withdraw their children.


It is the responsibility of each member of staff to ensure that:

  • Children conduct themselves in a quiet orderly manner within the school building
  • The children are aware of and take note of the school values and behaviour system


Day and timeType of assemblyLed by
Monday at 10:15am

Whole School
Song, school values, British values, current affairs, special visitors, reflection. All staff in upon request

Headteacher or Senior Leadership Team
Tuesday at 9:05am

Key Stage 1 / EYFS
Stories with a moral / discussion / PSHE focus

Rotation of KS1 teachers
Tuesday at 10:15am

Key Stage 2

Specially designed format for children to lead each week. Children are given advanced notice to play their instrument as part of these assemblies

Led by Y6 children (house captains / school council) and rotation of KS2 teachers to support / facilitate
Wednesday at 9:05amKS1
Singing and reflection

 Jacqueline Ozcan


at 10:00


Singing and reflection

Emma Chambers
Thursday at 10:15amWhole School
Curriculum focus, special curriculum themes - sharing/ demonstrating the curriculum drivers/ motivational- how these have influenced work in class - sharing / showing work; reflection.
Rotation of teachers
Friday at 9:10amWhole School
Celebration assembly with invited parents. Alternate KS1 and KS2 certificates based on children demonstrating excellence in work, attitude, improvement, or school values. Presentation of the 'Excellent writing' trophy and Maths 'Whizz' of the week stickers. Each half term we present 3 children with the maths 'reasoning and problems solving' trophy. Reflection. All staff and children attend. 
Headteacher or Senior Leadership Team


Each class will also lead a 15 minute assembly once in the year. This will take place on a Thursday from 9:15am and showcase some of the work undertaken in classes for that term.


School Performances 


  • Nativity based assembly – each December - EYFS and KS1
  • Play performance – Spring term - with Year 4 and Year 5 (Y3 TBC)
  • Play performance – each July - Year 6


Visiting speakers/ groups


These are arranged throughout the year and join the Monday or Thursday morning assemblies.

Welcome to the Meridian Primary School website. We welcome all communities at Meridian. We hope that our site will give you a flavour of the ethos and expectations of our school and highlight many of the amazing opportunities that the pupils at Meridian will be offered in their seven years with us.

MeridianPrimary School

  • Harbour Avenue
  • Comberton
  • Cambridge
  • CB23 7DD